MFR Inc.
625 Greathouse Rd.
Waxahachie, TX 75167
Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
(972) 435-3100
Do you have an old rust mottled shotgun you forgot in the bottom of your duck hunting boat and you want it to look new again?
We can help.
Does your daily carry have bright spots and metal showing through?
We can make it look like new.
The bottom line is that If you can imagine it, we will work with you to make it into a reality.
Location & Hours
At MIDWAY FIREARM REFINISHING we offer a full range of restoration, customization, and gun smithing. We specialize in Cerakote ceramic coatings but can provide many other options to make that dream in your head into something you can hold in your hand. We can remake a boring safe queen into something that, even though it looks too pretty to shoot, will be durable enough for daily carry.
Check out or work on our Facebook Page or in our Gallery on the Cerakote Website!
Copyright Midway Firearm Refinishing 2016. All rights reserved.